Sunday, May 18, 2014

WIP - Nu Gundam ver. Ka

It's been a while since I've updated last - I apologize.

I've been slowly chugging away on this kit for a long time now, but since starting this blog, it's just been pieces in bags - not very photogenic.  The weather has improved, and I've got some free time so I got to paint!

Here are some photos of the progress:

Tamiya Gunmetal for most of the frame (Yes, that is my cat's scratching pad that the skewers are stuck into).

Here he is with just the frame assembled.  I'm quite proud of this if I do say so myself.  Gunmetal for most of the frame, Krylon Gold Leaf and Krylon Silver Chrome for accents.  Looks pretty sharp, eh?

The rest of the photos are close-ups of some of the details that I particularly like.

Gold pistons hidden in the elbow, and more gold inside the upper arm.

Gold and Chrome pistons in the knee.  Hopefully after I give it a gloss coat, the chrome of the pistons will look more ...  well, chrome-like.

Some silver inside of the leg, silver thrusters and gold covers.

Two-tone hip joint.

I just love that little gold piece inside the shoulder.  I don't know why, but it makes me happy.

I've still got some of the little detailing to do in the frame, and then it's just lining, decals and flat coat!
I'll be sure to post another update once I progress some more!